In some situations, we would always teased someone that he/she is so childish for having homesick..
Having homesick means there is something to love and care or somebody...
Isn't that better than you don't feel anything while your family miss you all the time..
I seldom have 'severe' homesick case..
I talked to mom almost everyday..
I started not to live at home since I was 16+
When most of the people still in Form 4 or Form 5
There marked my journey outside my family
There was when I really learn what independent is all about
Sometimes we might thought we already independent
by helping out at home
Once life started outside when you have to know new people & surrounding
That is where to REAL independent come from
I learned a lot after almost 3 years I ventured out of Segamat
For those who still live in their own house
You are so lucky..
Appreciate time with your family
For this coming CNY, I deliver all my blessings to each of everyone out there
Have a blast =)
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