Thursday, 7 May 2015

My Braces Journey Part 1: Consultation

Hey there, it's time to CPR my blog here. It has been pretty dusty here. Anyway, I bet it will interesting to jot down this new journey of mine, should be pretty interesting to be reading it again in the future.

The thought of getting a braces was way back when I was in Secondary One. I've pretty bad overcrowding since my baby teeth were replaced. All the permanent one was growing everywhere within the gums. However, the thought of having to go through the pain fears me, so I defaulted the idea of getting braces done. To make myself feels better, I thought my fangs were pretty unique, and that's for who I am. The decision has been on and off until now.

Many reasons why I decided to embark this journey now:

1. I can finally pay the expenses on my own.
2. I am ready to be responsible to the discomfort.
3. I want straight teeth (echoing x100000).
4. My teeth is getting harder to brush.
5. I want straight teeth.
6. I want straight teeth.
7. I need a change in life (shh secret...).

It's all started on the 7th of May 2015.

I had an appointment made under Dr Kok, an orthodontist in Mahkota Medical Centre for my very first consultation.

Here's the journey before I could have the braces fixed on me.

1. I need to get my left lower third molar (wisdom tooth) out surgically. The tooth is partially out, however it was severely misaligned laterally towards my buccal mucosa. It does give me some discomfort upon manipulating the tooth.

2. After that, 2 of my upper premolars and my left lower first molar will have to be extracted due to overcrowding. Thank God I had one missing tooth naturally, so nothing need to be down over my lower right side of my teeth.

P.S: 6 months ago, I had my right lower wisdom tooth surgically removed because it was impacted. On the same event, the upper right wisdom tooth was extracted because it was too long with slight misalignment causing injury towards my buccal mucosa.

3. A mould of my teeth was done. The taste of the pink color mould yucks!!!

4. Dr Kok explains the different types of braces available with all the pros and cons. On the spot, I picked self lighting braces. However, I still have to go through all the steps above before I could have it fixed on me :(

5. A lateral cephalometric X-Ray was done showing that my upper set of teeth was protruding causing slight overbite.

Next appointment was made to remove my wisdom tooth on the 22nd May, scary shit!

It didn't look so bad from a far portrait of myself, but certainly can't deny it wasn't a set of nice straight teeth. Gonna miss my FANGS the most.

Close up with friends.
Now you see how bad my set of teeth was compared with my friends.

Want to read more? Here:




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