Saturday 9 August 2008

before my first formative assessment

before my first formative assessment
Formative assessment? What's that? A very minor exam taken by us, the UKM medical students after every module.. So, our very 1st formative assessment (a 45 minutes test) is all about Cellular Biomolecules.. It was more about Biochemistry, anyway..
My student card & the 'golden' name tag...

Tada.... My books.. Biochem.. Clinical medicine.. Merck's.. Dorlands..

My preparation :

My way: Study at night.. See there, MILO..

Doing my own short notes... That's UKM pen & Pesta Tanglung papers..

Study on your bed.. (only when my bud is pain enough for sitting too long on the chair)

And the library... With my laptop, information from the Net.. XD



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