Sunday 3 January 2010


I know I have no rights to complain how fast the time passed by & why a second is meant to be so short.

I couldn't measure the level of happiness for each year. If to ask which year is the most 'awesome' I ever had, I would rather not to choose. OR I'll only say : The best year of my life is the year I was born to learn what life is all about. Whether I like it or not, lesson need to be learn.

2009, it was another year for me to thank God for the ups and downs, as always.
From a 1st year student, I passed my exam to proceed with my 2nd year.
From being 'jakun' about taking flights to taking multiple flights in a year.
From losing someone I loved to gaining a new family (keluarga angkat).
From walking to ice skating to flying fox. From bowling to archery.
From peninsular Malaysia to East Malaysia.
From staying only in the country to Singapore twice a year (the last time I went was 1997).
From crying to smiling again..

The most important thing - Never regret on anything that makes me S.M.I.L.E

It was a history.. As well as experience..

2010 - Another year to grow older.. =) *It is not a bad news after all*

L.I.F.E - Life is forever and eternity... Forever & Ever


sZ said...

From peninsular Malaysia to East Malaysia =p

West M = peninsular M, right? hehe

btw, just passing by..


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