Saturday 3 April 2010

Addiction to dream

Recently, other than facing my lecture notes and no time flipping my books, I tend to waste some of my time browsing through fashion blog.

I started to love them
Almost every single of the clothes, dress
Except leggings..
Maybe someday I will love them

I got so addicted to check a few blogs for prices and types of so-called 'Baju'
So far, I had bought 2 tops from Ladies Fashion & 1 flora top from Hearts Fashion

Addiction, yes it is..

From there, I am thinking to pass my exam
Graduate fast
Earn money
Grab those 'baju(s)' that I really want so badly

And then

bought a FEW wardrobe or maybe a room of baju


All right, should back to my lecture notes
I can see them waving to me



Xu Vin said...

i totally understand what u mean!!! when u c pictures of those models in those dresses *screams* and tops *faints* and shoes *eeekksss* lol. shopaholic alert! hahah!


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